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Showing posts from January, 2009

You Are Not Going To Believe This Story!!! Grab a Tea, Cuddle Up and Take It In!!!

You're not going to believe this story!!! I am so much in awe that I have decided to write it all down here so everyone can read it. Honestly, it would take me an hour to tell the story and I SO want to share it with everyone!!!! we go: For those of you who follow my blog, you know that I purchased a compu-dobby loom in October. For those of you who do not follow my blog, I purchased a compu-dobby loom in October......this is a very expensive loom aided by a computer. My reason for purchasing this loom was that I have found that I really enjoy working with multiple shafts, designing fabric, 'playing' with different weave structures and just LOVE to dress my loom! So, I went on a mad hunt for a compu-dobby loom and came across a Leclerc Diana. After some time and consideration, I found one that would work for me and made arrangements to get it. I had toss and turns in my stomach because not only was this a HUGE purchase but, I had never used one only because I do

Woo Hoo!!!

Well, Diana is working!!! The scarves are done!!! And I have the best story in the world to tell!!! Lynnette, if you are reading this.....that DVD that you sent to me.......oh my.....have I got a story!!! It's taking me a bit to write it all down but, I'll post it shortly:) Oh.....and pictures of the scarves when I twist the fringe:) Hooray!!!

The Problem Update.

This morning I spent some time on the phone trying to resolve the issues with my sweet Diana. We have come to the conclusion that in transportation of the loom (in the back of an suv ) some of the mechanical parts came ' un -tweaked'. This puts a big 'AH-HA' on the whole mishap! I am hoping to have the replacement parts by UPS tomorrow so I should be able to finally finish these scarves and start the stars. I also can't wait to see how this loom really works! I have not been 100% satisfied and now am realizing that that unsatisfaction could simply be due to the loom never operating at 100%. So, my next endeavour is to make some more room in the studio. This means that I will have to see what is going to happen with that 60" Leclerc . I had it on Ebay (for a little too cheap) but, had no bites. Could be the market......could have been the wrong week to list. I think I'll try again when the weather breaks.

One Sad Gal

Last night I was weaving away and my loom started 'acting up' and finally ka - poot ! I quickly looked around to try to figure out what the problem was. Well, some things are bent, and I can't weave. I'm really not a 'KILLER' weaver....I mean, it's not rugs here....I'm quite gentile, in fact. Apparently there are some pieces that need to be replaced now. After some tears I measured and found that I only had 17 more inches to go and I would have these scarves off of the loom 'finally'. I feel like they've been on there forever now and was really looking forward to the next stars project. *Sigh* I do have to say that I have received the most fabulous customer care from the wonderful man I purchased the loom from. I also found out that this particular problem was unique to my loom and they are taking every step they can to fix it as quickly as possible. So, I figured that I would share a picture of the last scarf in charcoal for Winter. Reall

Up Next

I should have the Organic Leaves Scarves done tonight and I have been working on my next project since I put them on the loom. I really wanted to use Bonnie Inouye 's theory on placing a 'picture' on the fabric. (Check out her site, she is an amazing weaver!!!) I used a 3/1 twill to accomplish this pattern by placing a 3/1 twill outside of the pattern and a 1/3 inside. I think I have worked on this pattern for about 2 hours a day trying to get it 'just right'. (I am so thankful for computers.......could you imagine graph paper?) I think I've hit a point where I'm happy with the way it looks. I will be weaving this Star Scarf using 16 shafts so the edges are a little fuzzy but, I think the shape is there enough to get the idea that it is in fact a star. I am also thinking that four scarves would be ideal with this pattern, all on a silver warp with one blue, one purple, one black, and one white. I love weaving!

Birch Leaves Scarf

Well, I have to say that this one is my favorite so far. The weft is more of an olive than the picture portrays and this one also seems to have a better rhythm than the others so far. The 'watermarks' left by the network twill are fun too. Please excuse the angle, I was trying to capture the pattern in the light. As far as the winter scarf, I am thinking that I am going to go with Susan's suggestion....the charcoal. I'm partial to darker colors and this one is really appealing to me. I agree that it will really make the warp 'pop' too. Thank you to everyone for your suggestions.....even my husband.....who picked the taupe, of all things.......maybe to just make me quiet:) Winter is bright and cheery for the first snow fall but, that is basically over the next day (for me anyway) and it becomes the time of year when I can't go for a nice walk.....and have to burn TONS of wood!!!! So.......charcoal it is;) I'm laughing out loud right now ....

Leaves Scarves Progress

So far, I've woven the Fall scarf and am pretty happy with it. Because I used three different leaves for the warp, there is one area where two of the leaves come together that I'm not 100% happy with. There are some weft threads that are floating a little more than I would like but, all in all I like the colors (even though the camera can't seem to catch them). I started the second scarf with just the Oak leaf in the treadling. I went with the light green for this one....really I should have gone with the darker green but, I'll use that one next. The green with the copper and gold has a very interesting effect, it really mutes the green. I keep telling myself that I wanted these scarves to be 'organic' inspired and not to worry about the visual mishaps......but, they are visual mishaps. Pooh! If you take a look at this picture, you can see where two of the leaves in the warp come together....I'm not so sure if I'm into that. they

Warping with a Paddle

Last night I counted out 308 ends for the Organic Leaves scarves with a paddle. Boy! I think from now on I'll count everything with a paddle!!! I loved it. I've had the paddle for a couple of years filed away in the closet.....I guess I've never really thought that I would need it until now. I couldn't bear the thought of having to tie new knots every end. Once I started and got the hang of it, I was kind of upset when I was was a lot of fun:) I ended up using gold and copper for the warp and am planning on four scarves: Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter. Here are some of my initial choices. Each of the scarves will have a different treadling for the weft. I used three leaf outlines and each season will get a different leaf except for fall which will get all three in the treadling. The copper and gold are on the far right. Spring will be the light green, summer will be the darker green, fall will be the reddish brown, and I am undecided on Winter but, have